LEIF Laundry Room

Card-Operated Laundromat in Meriden, CT

Got a ton of laundry? Then bring it all to Love in Every Fold—Meriden’s finest laundromat. Our laundromat has the capacity to do all of your laundry with speed and efficiency and all the amenities to keep you feeling comfortable during your visit.

Laundromat Location and Hours

Located at 132 W. Main Street in Meriden, CT 06541

Open daily from 6AM to 12AM Midnight

Attendants onsite from 9AM to 12AM Midnight

Easy Card-Operated Washers and Dryers

Our Laundroworks system makes it easy to pay for and operate our equipment allowing you to forget about quarters. No need to carry a heavy change purse either. No more digging through the couch cushions for change. No more trips to the bank just to pull out rolls of quarters. Make a bee line to our laundromat. You can pay with credit or debit directly at our machines. Better yet, purchase a Laundroworks card from our kiosk using card or cash and load it up with credits to operate the machines.

Impressive Equipment and Capacity

Not only are our machines easy to operate. We have plenty of them, too! If you have a ton of laundry or big bulky items like comforters and rugs, then you’ll love using our 60 lb. and 80 lb. capacity machines. We have plenty of machines that can handle anything from 1 or 2 loads all the way up to 8 loads.


Regular Loads
  • 30 Lbs. (8 each) $6.29
  • 20 Lbs. (12 each) $3.89
Large Loads
  • 80 Lbs. (8 each) $13.29
  • 60 Lbs. (12 each) $10.19


Regular Loads
  • 35 Lbs. (46 each) $0.35
Large Loads
  • 50 Lbs. (16 each) $0.65

Built with You in Mind

Love in Every Fold is a lavanderia built out of our love of doing laundry and providing the ultimate place where you can do yours, too. We not only have new, card-op machines, but we also have amenities to make doing laundry as easy as possible. Outside you will find plenty of parking. Inside, you fill find plenty of space in a brightly lit and beautiful environment.

We have more than just washers and dryers, too. Our washateria sells laundry products through our vending machine with a bigger selection of products available at the counter. There is seating and folding stations, an ATM, bill breaking machine, and snack and soda vending machines. We also offer free wi-fi and charging stations.

Amenities while you wait

  • Seating & folding tables
  • Snack & soda vending machines
  • Free wi-fi
  • Charging stations

Amenities to do laundry

  • Laundry products vending machine
  • Laundry products sold at counter
  • ATM
  • Bill breaker machine

Laundry Services, Too

And if you need laundromat services but simply don’t have the time, then drop in and drop off your laundry with out fluff and fold service or spare yourself the trip altogether and try our laundry pickup and delivery instead.